Clinic of Phoniatrics

Workplace characteristics

Phoniatrics is a medical field that deals with physiology and pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of voice, speech and hearing disorders, ie functions that play a decisive role in human communication.

The clinic is the only state institution in the Czech Republic that can provide comprehensive diagnostic and medical care in the field of phoniatrics, audiology and clinical speech therapy (outpatient, inpatient and rehabilitation hospital and hearing center). It has a number of diagnostic and treatment options that are not available elsewhere in the Czech Republic. The advantage is the implementation of team care from diagnostics to rehabilitation care. The clinic has a center for the rehabilitation of adults after cochlear implantation (CI).

Žitná 24, 120 00 Prague 2,
+420 224 964 900 (ambulance)
+420 224 964 915 (headquarters)
+420 224 964 931 (ordering patients for hospitalization)
+420 224 964 951
doc. MUDr. Olga Dlouha, CSc.
Head of Clinic
+420 224 964 918
MUDr. Miroslava Hrbková
Head of Clinic
+420 224 964 911
Hana Svobodová
Head Nurse
+420 224 964 913
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