General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the world's most comprehensive set of data protection rules.
The GDPR applies to anyone who works with personal data in their business or operations. EU citizens will thus regain control of their personal data.
The regulation targets companies, institutions and individuals who treat personal data - employees, customers, clients or suppliers - across segments and industries. It will also affect those who track or analyze user behavior on the web, use apps or smart technologies. The aim of the GDPR is to protect EU citizens' digital rights.
GDPR applies uniformly across the EU from May 25, 2018. In the Czech Republic, it replaces the current legislation on the protection of personal data in the form of Directive 95/46 / EC and forced the repeal of the original Act No. 101/2000 Coll., On the protection of personal data. The current Act No. 110/2019 Coll., On the processing of personal data, already specifies some areas and sub-issues necessary to complete the entire framework of personal data protection at national level. For some aspects, the General Regulation even foresees national rules, such as: the child's eligibility age to 15 years, aspects of the processing of personal data for the purpose of exercising freedom of expression, the right to information, freedom of research and artistic creation.
In particular, the fact that the new rules have been adopted in the form of a European regulation means their uniformity in all EU countries, so that national governments and legislators cannot bend and adapt them to local interests or lobbyists in any way.
Complete version of GDPR in Czech translation as "General Data Protection Regulation" find it here.
Healthcare workers come into contact with a wealth of personal information every day. The objective of the GDPR is to protect as many as possible natural persons whose personal information should be (including health) strictly protected from violation of their security, that is, even by accidental destruction, loss, alteration, or even unauthorized provision or disclosure.
In health care, it is necessary to insist on a more comprehensive processing of personal data of patients, their family members, employees, but above all those who are vulnerable (children) and those who are unable to provide their personal data.
For sensitive data processed in health care are stricter conditions than personal data, these types of data are:
In particular, the processing of specific categories of data requires that:
Consent to the processing of personal data in health care
If processing is not done on the basis of a legal, contractual or legitimate interest, it is necessary for the data subject (eg patient) to consent to its processing, which is, according to the Regulation, "a free, specific, informed and unambiguous expression of the will in which the data subject declares or otherwise manifestly confirms his or her consent to the processing of personal data '.