The Crossroads Magazine

The quarterly of the General University Hospital in Prague and the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University

Křižovatka magazine is here for everyone who wants to learn news and updates from the General Faculty Hospital and the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague. It is intended primarily for our patients and their loved ones, who meet experts from various fields at the imaginary crossroads, as well as medical students.

On his site you will find topics from the fields of medicine, science and education, we will guide you through the labyrinth of healthcare, advise you on how to provide first aid, introduce you to our workplaces, top experts, new methods and modern devices. We also bring you information about major events, conferences, internships and anniversaries. We invite you to concerts, meetings and other events designed not only for our patients but also for the general public.

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Current issue: No. 20 - January 2019

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