Primary Care Center

Workplace characteristics

The Primary Care Center (CPP) provides curative preventive care for registered patients and occupational health care for General Teaching Hospital staff (hereafter VFN) and for registered patients. CPP also includes postgraduate education of doctors in specialized preparation of general general medicine for adults and teaching of medical students. The CPP includes four offices on Charles Square and one detached office located in the building of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (see section professional ambulance). As a part of his specialization, he cooperates with the specialized departments of the Teaching Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital and with the specialized outpatient clinics of the General Teaching Hospital.

Health care provided

  • In the form: outpatient.
  • In the field: general practice medicine.
  • Type of health care: acute, necessary, planned, preventive, diagnostic, dispensary, curative, assessment and solution of social issues in cooperation with CSSA.
Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Praha 2, (University polyclinic, building A, middle staircase, 3rd floor)
+420 224 966 587 (individual care department)
MUDr. Milena Mrnková
Senior doctor
+420 224 966 587
Martina Kovácsová
Senior sister
+420 224 966 587
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