Institute of Immunology and Microbiology

NRL for tissue helminthiasis

Workplace characteristics

The laboratory tests serum, vitreous and cerebrospinal fluid for the presence of specific antibodies against parasitic antigens; performs specific (including histopathology) examinations of various biopsy specimens (including cyst contents), blood smears, stools, and urine.
As the only laboratory in the Czech Republic, it performs examinations for tropical parasitic infections caused by helminths, and of the autochthonous infections, it is the only one to perform examinations for trichinosis, cysticercosis and alveolar hydatidosis. By examining samples with more types of antigens and different types of reactions, it enables the differential diagnosis of helminth infections and the exclusion of non-specific reactions in allergy sufferers, oncology patients and others with different types of immunodeficiencies. Last but not least, the NRL produces antigens itself and is thus able to perform commonly unused reactions for which commercial kits are not available.

On 11 August 2015, the laboratory received a Certificate of Compliance with the conditions of Audit II of the National Authorization Center for Clinical Laboratories (NASKL) and is registered in the Register of Clinical Laboratories of NASKL ČLS JEP. He successfully defends the obtained accreditation every two years within the framework of re-accreditation.



The NRL for tissue helminthiasis offers the possibility of examining biological material (blood, stool, urine) for self-payers. 



The patient pays for the examination himself, he can choose from the following options:

  • Payment in cash at the central treasury of the VFN.

       U Nemocnice 499/2, headquarters building A5

       Mon - Thu 08:00 - 15:00

       Fri 08:00 - 14:00


  • Payment by bank transfer.

        When paying by bank transfer, please fill in the following 

        data without which the payment cannot be identified:

        C. ú .: 24035021/0710

        VS: birth number

        SS: 86360

        Note: unpaid care



For patients who have not had blood taken for a doctor's examination, we offer the possibility of taking them at the VFN collection center (Karlovo nám. 32 - building B, ground floor; Prague 2, tel .: 224 966 670) for a fee of CZK 150 payable on the spot.

Opening hours of the collection center:      

Mon - Fri 06:30 - 14:15

At the collection center, the patient reports a request for blood collection only, approximately 5 ml of clotted blood (collection system - red, yellow Vacutainer).



The patient will receive the result only after payment and presentation of proof of payment. We deliver the results of the examination in a sealed envelope only to the patient's own hands, or we send it to the patient by post on request. We do not share the results with anyone else.



We will be happy to answer any questions or ambiguities on tel .: 224 96 8589 or


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