Blood transfusion department

Information for blood donors

Blood can be donated by any healthy person, male or female, aged 18–65. Blood donor body weight should be at least 50 kg. In the case of plasma or platelet donation by apheresis (using a separator), the donor weight must be at least 60 kg. Blood plasma or platelets can be donated by a blood donor / donor after two successful blood donations. For information on these types of donations, contact the blood transfusion department's nurses.


 Minimum time intervals between subscriptions
Full blood Plasma and platelets

Women: 3 times a year

(at least 4 months between subscriptions)

Plasma: 2 weeks minimum sampling interval

(applies to both women and men)

Men: 4 times a year

(at least 3 months between subscriptions)

Plates: 2 weeks minimum sampling interval

(applies to both women and men)

What precedes your own subscription

  • Registration in the register (do not forget a valid identity document with a photo and a proof of health insurance valid in the Czech Republic).
  • Getting to Know "Blood Donor Lessons". The document contains basic information about risk factors that can negatively affect the quality of blood donated and thus endanger the patient by eg infectious diseases.
  • Completing "Blood Donor Questionnaire„. 
  • Blood sampling for blood count.
  • An interview with a doctor who will discuss with you not only your general health, but also any potential confusion related to blood donation and will also perform basic physical examination (eg blood pressure measurement).

Taking blood it is made from a single venous puncture into a disposable collection kit. It is collected with 450 ml of blood, taking from 8 to 12 minutes. When subscribed plasma or platelets (platelets) by apheresis the sampling is performed using a device (separator), which allows to separate individual components of blood (erythrocytes, platelets, plasma) already during collection. The sampling time varies from 40-90 minutes depending on the type of sampling and parameters of your blood count.

Transfusion products made from your collection help to treat patients by:

  • with anemia, such as patients with haematopoietic disorders, cancer, patients included in the dialysis program (artificial kidney)
  • who suffer from bleeding disorder and coagulation,
  • who have suffered a great deal of blood loss after injuries or during surgery,
  • even before their birth, when transfusions are administered to the umbilical vein (umbilical vein).

Remember to take your donor blood with you:

  • photo ID (civil or driving license, passport, firearms pass)
  • proof of health insurance valid in the Czech Republic.

Remember to donate blood:

  • have a non-fat meal in the morning (croissant, jam, honey, fruit, etc.)
  • drink at least 0.5 l of liquids (mineral water, water, juice, etc.) before collection.
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