Blood transfusion department

Regular FTO events

Table legend:

The left column of the table lists all regular transfusion events. Subscriptions with mobile unit (exit) eg: Kavčí hory, Jinočany, Jílové etc. Color fields under each month contain a specific date for the selected event. We will inform you about other regular events that take place at our workplace in the General University Hospital and are not listed in the table (eg Give Blood with Czech Radio, Spartan Blood, etc.) as well as any changes to the dates, either through our website and profile on Facebook or if you are ordered, directly by phone.


Planned events for 2019

  January February March April May June September October November December
Deutsche Börse 13.03. 17.04. 18.09. 30.10.
Jinočany 20.02. 15.05. 04.09. 27.11.

Kavčí hory

24.04. 25.09.
Kounice 23.04. 11.11.
Jílové 28.02. 23.05. 12.09. 21.11.
Poděbrady 28.01. 10.06. 09.09. 01.12.
Vroutek 22.01. 14.05. 01.10.
KPMG 04.03. 04.06. 23.10.
KRYRY 08.01. 21.05. 08.10.


19.02. 27.03.


Siemens  15.10.
ČSOB 02.04. 06.11.
e-Bay Prague 19.03. 31.10.
Hewlet Packard 16.04. 17.09.
ADP empl. service 28.05. 09.10.


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