The Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine of the First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital provides outpatient, inpatient diagnostic and therapeutic care in the field of pediatric medicine and its specializations, neonatology and adolescent medicine, including transport services for critically ill children. In patients with long-term follow-up who cannot be taken into care of internal medicine (hereditary metabolic disorders and some other narrow specializations), they also care for patients over 19 years of age. It provides highly specialized neonatological care for the Central Bohemian Region, nationwide care in the area of inherited metabolic disorders and provides a whole-population neonatal screening of inherited metabolic disorders.
Nearly half of the patients are out of Prague, these patients are admitted to the clinic at the request of general practitioners for children and adolescents, outpatient specialists or in-patient children's wards. The obligatory catchment area of the KDDL is the area of Prague 1, 2 and 4. Most of the smaller children are admitted to the hospital with an accompaniment.
Highlighted disciplines of the KDDL are the Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive and Resuscitation Care Units (JIRPs), including the possibility of providing unconventional methods of artificial pulmonary ventilation and haemo-elimination methods, diagnosis and therapy in the field of inherited metabolic disorders. diseases. Equally important is the care for children with connective and skeletal disorders, diseases of the digestive tract including nutritional disorders, diagnosis and therapy of congenital uropathies (in cooperation with the Urology Clinic of the First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital). In April 2011, a new outpatient facility was opened within the KDDL - the Complex Care Center for Children with Perinatal Exercise.
On 1 September 2017, the Department of Pediatric Metabolic Disorders was merged with the Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. All services provided in the field of diagnostics and health care remain unchanged, as well as research and teaching activities.
DMP Diagnostic Laboratories (hereditary metabolic disorders) perform specialized laboratory examinations to diagnose and monitor patients in biochemical genetics and related fields, screen for hereditary metabolic disorders in neonates born in cooperating maternity hospitals, and provide a 24/7 emergency service for selected statima examinations including medical consultation. The basis of activity is laboratory diagnostics of several hundred DMPs at various levels (metabolite, enzyme / protein, tissue / cell, gene) in the biochemical / metabolic, enzymological, histochemical and molecular genetic laboratory. Around 3,000 new patients with suspected DMP are examined annually at the workplace and diagnosed in approximately 100 patients per year.